Maison de Vacances à Ceyreste

Ceyreste , Bouches-du-Rhône

Photo de la location Maison de Vacances à Ceyreste
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Une sélection des lieux à voir absolument dans la région.

Aubagne - Bouches-du-Rhône
Yours to Discover

The Santonniers city
At the heart of a lush green valley, watered by the -Huveaune, Aubagne is surrounded by quarries of clay which have supplied the city's pottery and ceramics industry Aubagne is strongly related to the vocation of the clay. The craft is practiced in two dozen workshops of figurines in the old Aubagne. Homeland of Marcel Pagnol, Aubagne has retained and conserved his birthplace where he grew up ...


Cassis - Bouches-du-Rhône
Lakes, Forests, Panoramas and Caves

The site in brief...
Highest point of the Soubeyran cliffs , the highest in Europe.


La Ciotat - Bouches-du-Rhône
Yours to Discover

The cradle of cinema ... and the boules!
With its beaches, its charming fishing port, its cliffs and its creeks , the Ciotat is a small paradise throughout the four seasons of the year . Well known for its shipyards since the 16th century, the Ciotat has managed protect its remarkable seabed.The latter, is in the heart of the Regional Marine Park of the Ciotat bay . The city is also the birthplace of cinema, The setting of the first film in the history of cinema, "The entrance of a train in the Ciotat station " filmed by Louis Lumière...


Marseille - Bouches-du-Rhône
Must See Places

The beautiful Marseille...
Marseille is a city full of charm and attractive sites that are known to all: The old port, the Canebiere( the historic high street in the old quarter), the typically Mediterranean colorful alleys , the markets full of flavors and colors, the creeks, the bays, the beaches and even its famous football team ... And when its natural beauty meets with its cultural baggage ;its many museums, its opera, or even its beautiful basilicas, Marseille becomes a Must See place ! Sunlight and cool atmosphere , that is a city that you will find intriguing...


Les Goudes
Marseille - Bouches-du-Rhône
In and On the Water

Small "End of the World'...
Ugh, the Goudes ... a cute little fishing port, a small "end of the world", which is accessible by following the pier of Marseille ... The poetry, the tranquility and the light of the Goudes were a source of inspiration for many artists ... It's a place not to be missed if you go to Marseille!


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